9 Fundraising Ideas for Your Adoption

AGCI has helped bring over 4,500 children home from 23 countries in the past 30+ years. Time and again, we have seen God provide children pathways to families.

A community garage sale has reunited old friends and led to a large gift. A check in the mail has been the exact cost of a family’s air travel. A church has started fundraising even before a family asked. And an early inheritance has been received only hours after a family decided to adopt.

If God has placed adoption on your heart, step out in faith and believe God for more!

1. Pieces of Adoption

Print a puzzle of a map of the country you’re adopting from and ask people to sponsor puzzle pieces to help you get there. You can even write the sponsor’s name on the back of the piece to keep as part of your child’s adoption story. If you print a 1000-piece puzzle and sell each piece for $10, you can raise $10,000!

2. Both Hands

“One hand for the widow, one hand for the orphan.” Partner with Both Hands, an organization that helps you organize a team of volunteers for a day of service, identify a widow with needs the volunteers can meet, and have them seek service sponsors in benefit of your adoption.

3. AdoptTogether

AdoptTogether is a crowdsourcing platform for adoptions. Create a profile sharing your family’s story and invite people to donate to bring your child home.

4. Adoption Quilt

Ask friends and family to sponsor quilt squares. They can decide what to put on that square or how to decorate it. Then combine the squares to build a quilt to keep as part of your child’s adoption story.

5. Pie Sale

Have friends donate baked pies (or other goodies) and sell them by donation. This is especially fun around the holidays and has been very successful in church communities.

6. Shoe Drive

Partner with Funds2Orgs, an organization that invites you to collect gently worn shoes and schedule a pick up. The amount of money you receive depends on how many shoes you collect.

7. Love Tree

Make 150 ornaments. Number each of them from 1-150. That number will become the price of the ornament. If you sell them all, you can raise $11,325! Hang them on a tree and have people choose their favorite. This fundraiser is especially successful because it’s accessible for everyone’s budgets. While popular around the holidays, ornaments don’t have to be holiday themed. Building a ‘love tree’ rather than a Christmas tree makes this fundraiser doable year-round. It’s also a good idea to ask your church to host your tree!

8. Adoption Auction

Write letters to loved ones and/or businesses and ask them to donate an item for an adoption auction. Items can vary from products and gift cards to pet sitting or vacation rentals. Then choose from many online bidding platforms to host a virtual auction.

9. Personal Challenge

Whether it’s a walkathon, marathon, or CrossFit, set a challenge for yourself and find sponsors to motivate you to meet your goal. If fitness is not your thing, think ice bucket or polar bear swim challenges. Find something you wouldn’t normally do and give it a shot.

With adoption fundraising, the trick is to not be afraid to ask! There is room in everyone’s hearts for a child without a family. Though not everyone can be that family for a child, many are compelled to support those who step out in faith to welcome a child into their family. Let them be part of your story by sharing it and inviting them to get involved. Most of all, have faith in God’s plan for your family. Believe Him for more and soon, your family’s adoption story will be a testimony of God’s love for His children.

Erica Stupfel

e*design Creative Services specializes in making professional design available to small companies and individuals. I understand the importance in brand identity and how a positive visual representation of your product or service can make the difference between success and failure. Your ideas and vision combined with my marketing and design expertise will be a sure success story.


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