Adoption from Colombia

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You can be a path to family for a child in Colombia.

  • Most children in need of adoption are between the ages of 0 to 15. Adoptive parents must be open to 0 to 9 at a minimum.

  • Children with medical conditions and sibling groups are also waiting for their forever family.

  • We need families for our Colombia adoption program—there are currently 11,000 orphans waiting to be adopted in Colombia.

  • AGCI has found forever families for over 300 children since 2015!

Adopting from Colombia:

  • Age of Parents

    Married couples and single women ages 25-55 are eligible to adopt from Colombia.  There must be at least 15 years between the age of the younger parent and the child.  Parents 55+ can adopt children 8 and older. Colombia guidelines specify the age of the child families are eligible to adopt. 

    Marital Status

    Couples married at least two years are welcome to adopt. Each spouse may have no more than two divorces.

    Children in Family

    Families with five or fewer minor children and single women with two or fewer minor children are welcome to adopt in Colombia.


    Families will have a positive net worth and an income of at least $15,000 per family member, including the adopted child.

    Criminal History

    Applicants with a criminal history will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

    Medical History

    Applicants cannot have a past or current diagnosis of a communicable and/or life-threatening disease or other conditions that impairs their ability to parent and/or quality of life a child.  All other medical conditions will be considered on a case-by-case basis. All applicants are required to complete a psychological evaluation during their dossier, and all mental health conditions will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

    Colombian Heritage Program

    Colombia offers a Heritage program for Colombian citizens. You must either have dual citizenship or be married to a U.S. citizen. These families can be considered for children in the 0-5 age range.


    Once contracted with AGCI, your next steps are to begin your home study, education, and dossier.


    Once your dossier is registered, the Central Authority places families on their waiting list until a child is referred. Once information on the child is received, you will have two weeks to make an informed decision about accepting the referral of the child or children matched with your family. Wait times vary depending on your family’s openness to age, number of children and identified specialized needs.


    Parents travel to meet your child and finalize the adoption! In-country travel typically spans 4+ weeks.


    Welcome home! AGCI and Colombia require post-adoption reports prepared by a licensed social worker to be submitted on the 3, 6, 12, 18, and 24-month anniversaries of your child’s arrival into the U.S. (Post adoption reports are also required at 30 and 36-month anniversaries for sibling groups and children over the age of 8 years old.) AGCI is here for support throughout your child’s life—connect with us at any time for ongoing support services!

  • There are so many ways to fund your adoption! You can learn more about AGCI-specific grants, adoption loans, and employee benefits and more by contacting one of our experienced Adoption Advisors!


    Application: This non-refundable fee covers the cost of a review of your application to confirm your eligibility for your desired program.

    U.S. Agency*: Processing expenses for AGCI include, but are not limited to, personnel costs, administrative overhead, operational costs, staff training and education, state, federal, and international licensing and accreditations, oversight and supervision of cooperating agencies, post-adoption support services, communications and insurance. The agency fee covers AGCI’s cost to facilitate your adoption with agency and government officials in the United States and abroad.

    *If adopting siblings, agency fees increase.


    Home Study Services: These fees cover the services needed to prepare and complete your adoption home study. These fees vary depending on your home study agency.

    Post-Adoption Reports: These fees cover the cost for your home study agency to provide post-adoption visits and reports upon arrival home. These fees vary depending on your home study agency.


    These fees cover the cost of facilitating an international adoption in Burundi. These fees include, but are not limited to costs related to personnel, administration, training and education, legal fees, and communications associated with government and agency authorities, government fees, and care of your child prior to the completion of your adoption. (Due with completion of dossier and referral packet as indicated on fee schedule)


    All fees paid to AGCI are paid in advance of service. AGCI fees are non-refundable and may not be waived. If services are terminated and a refund is due, all refunds will be processed within 60 days of withdrawal and/or closure of the adoption file upon receiving the Adoption Termination Contract.


    Additional or third-party expenses are outlined in the provided Fee Schedule.

Fill Out Our FREE Pre-App to Get Started!

Our in-country provider

Our in-country provider, Ana Maria Fernandez, facilities all adoptions through AGCI’s Colombia program! Ana Maria has worked in the adoption field for many years and is a wonderful resource for AGCI families and children! AGCI also works collaboratively with in-country entities to advocate for children in need.

In addition to our Colombia Adoption program, AGCI is working to intervene for orphans in Colombia through thoughtful programs that help build happier, healthier families!

Begin the path of International Adoption.

Fill out our free adoption pre-app—an empowering first step that will unlock the right pathway for the family God has planned for you. 

Within just one business day, a dedicated Adoption Advisor will contact you. We’ll be ready to answer your every question and guide you with empathy and insight through the next chapters of your story.

Don’t try and walk your adoption journey alone. Talk to an adoption advisor today!